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Stage 3: Appeal

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your request for review, you may be able to . You may also appeal against a decision made in relation to or .  

Your appeal must be made within 20 University Business Days of being advised of the outcome of the review or the decision. 

An appeal may be lodged only on one or more of the following grounds:

  • The existence of substantial new evidence relating to the original Student Grievance that was not reasonably available during the Stage 2 Review and would likely have resulted in a different Decision.
  • There was a misapplication of Policy or Procedure resulting in some real disadvantage to the Student.
  • The Decision was manifestly incorrect or unjust, or the penalty, where applicable, was disproportionate to the nature of the Student conduct the subject of the Decision.
  • There was a failure on the part of the Decision-maker to afford the Student Procedural Fairness.

Further information is provided in the . 

The ҹɫè offers free confidential support for ҹɫè students and is able to assist you with the drafting of your appeal application and ensuring that you have completed all the documentation correctly before submitting your appeal.

Review of appeal process and decision
Learn more about what to do if you're not satisfied with the outcome of the grievance resolution process.