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Why I’m an ALLY when I’m not LGBTIQ

Willing to create a safe space for people to be themselves.
Three individuals in purple shirts holding up a banner with colorful handprints.

I am not L, G, B, T, I or Q...so why did I, Dr Jenny Donovan become an Ally?

There are a few, in my opinion, very good reasons:

1. I can’t stand discrimination on any grounds

Supporting a group that experiences discrimination is close to my heart. As I have been a generously-sized individual all my life, I have experienced active discrimination, ranging from rude comments to not getting a job. On coming to ҹɫè, I was thrilled to find lots of other larger people on staff, clear evidence in my mind that is more than just a policy.

I was also discriminated against when I was a young woman, when it was assumed I would soon be bearing children and therefore wasn't suitable for promotion. As it happened, the only children I've had have had fur and four legs, and I would have loved the higher duties. Their loss.

2. I know many LGBTIQ people … they’re no different to you or me

My sister is a lesbian and has had a long and happy relationship with her partner, the envy of many heterosexual couples. I love her dearly and have never judged her for her life. She never formally came out to my parents by having ‘the conversation,’ but they clearly knew and understood.

In my adult years I have come to know many LGBTIQ folks (only one ‘I’ but several of all the other categories) and many have become enduring friends. As with all people, they have their shortcomings, but when they know they are accepted and loved, I have found they tend to open up more than heterosexual folks often do, and it's easy to become close. To me, that's the basis of true friendship. Perhaps it's the relief of finally finding a safe space that brings an outpouring of feelings.

3. Everyone deserves to feel safe and accepted

My adopted nephew (son of my best friend) came out to me before anyone else in the family. I was his trial go at having the conversation and I was able to give him a couple of tips for how to express himself in a way his family would understand. They all accepted him unconditionally, as I expected. His Dad cried when he found out my nephew had packed a bag just in case he was thrown out of the house. ‘How could you ever think I would do such a thing?’ They are a great family, and I am privileged to have been adopted into it.

You don’t have to be LGBTIQ yourself to be an ALLY. You just need to have an open heart and mind and be willing to create a safe space for people to be themselves. The ALLY training course is important because it facilitates open discussions and increases the number of safe spaces available to those in the ҹɫè LGBTIQ community.

Even though I myself do not identify as LGBTIQ, I display the ҹɫè ALLY Network rainbow on my office door with pride and hope I will be seeing many more rainbows on doors in the future.  

5 steps to becoming an Ally

The ҹɫè Ally Network aims to provide a safe-zone and visible support network for students and employees who identify as lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual or intersex (LGBTI). If you’re passionate about fostering a culture free from harassment and discrimination then the ҹɫè Ally Network wants you!

Follow these 5 steps to become a proud ҹɫè Ally.

  1. Check out ҹɫè's Ally website.
  2. Take some time to read through the time commitment, personal profile and role you will play as a ҹɫè Ally.
  3. Keep an eye out for .
  4. Attend a training session (these are training sessions for current ҹɫè students and staff).
  5. Complete the Ally Network form, which will be sent to you after completing training. 
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