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For the love of helping people
ҹɫè student sitting in front of a green hedge

Alexandra was one of many who tossed up between two different degrees in Year 12. She knew she loved helping people and couldn’t decide between Nursing or Education.

Alexandra eventually settled on studying a Bachelor of Nursing, completing a year and a half of the degree before deciding it wasn’t for her.

“I realised that my real passion lied within education. I went with the ҹɫè Deadly Ways team out west to visit primary schools and found that I love inspiring the young minds of the future,” says Alexandra.

She now studies a Bachelor of Education (Primary) and is loving it.

Choosing where to study

Alexandra was certain she wanted to study at university but she had no idea which one to choose.

'I ended up going to every Open Day imaginable in Year 12 and settled on ҹɫè,' she says.

There were many reasons why Alexandra chose ҹɫè. She says, “it was close to home which meant I didn’t have to travel far, and I didn’t have to worry about paying for parking because of all the free parking across all ҹɫè’s campuses.”

The smaller class sizes and smaller campuses were also huge benefits to studying with ҹɫè. 'It meant I could ask my questions and not have to fight with 200 other students to get my question heard,' says Alexandra.

Lastly, the scholarships on offer at ҹɫè were achievable for Alexandra and she’s fortunate enough to be the recipient of two scholarships. “I received the ҹɫè Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship and the Ipswich RSL Scholarship. These scholarships helped me when buying the necessary resources I needed to succeed in my degree such as a laptop, textbooks and uniforms," she says.

Why go to a uni Open Day?

Open Days were the key to deciding where Alexandra wanted to study.

“I wanted to see if the facilities, lecturers, and campuses were what I wanted when looking for a university,” she says.

“By coming to Open Day, I gained an insight as to whether ҹɫè was the right university for me. The second I had a tour of ҹɫè I knew that I was onto something.”

Open Day is the best chance to experience the campus facilities and see if the university suits you.

“My favourite thing about ҹɫè Open Day was being able to see and experience the campus facilities such as the aviation simulator, the nursing simulated labs, the midwifery simulated labs, and the paramedicine ambulance. I even got to learn how to insert a cannula at Open Day!”

Make the most of Open Day

The best way to get the most out of Open Day is to come prepared. It’s a great chance to chat directly with the lecturers and current students. Have a list of questions ready and consider if you can see yourself studying there.

“I’d encourage everyone to attend Open Day to see if they can see themselves studying at ҹɫè. Ask yourself, do you like the facilities? Do you like the lecturers and students you’ve spoken to? What do you think of the support?” says Alexandra.

“I’m going to be working at Open Day this year as a student ambassador. Come talk to me about anything,” she says.

“Ask me what I think of my degree, what I like most about ҹɫè, why I chose ҹɫè, how many days I’m on campus… no question is a dumb question!”

In short don’t be afraid to ask. We’ve all been there before and we’re here to help.

As a student, Alexandra is proud to be studying at ҹɫè. “My favourite thing about studying at ҹɫè is the friendships I’ve made; I’ve found friends who have similar interests to me and it’s awesome.”

“I also love the support ҹɫè has for their students. If you need help while studying – whether that’s academic or personal support – there will always be someone who can help.”

ҹɫè Open Days are this August. Discover the Springfield campus and ask Alexandra your questions.