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ҹɫè HDR Internships

The ҹɫè HDR Internship Program provides the opportunity for all doctoral students and Master of Research (MRES) students (upon application) to undertake internship placements with industry. HDR Internships are designed to enhance engagement between universities, industry, and HDR students, strengthening links between latest research and fostering industry innovation.

Why undertake an HDR Internship

As an HDR student there are many benefits to be gained from undertaking an internship including:

  • Developing and establishing networks
  • Demonstrating and strengthening your professional and research skills
  • Gaining experience in a ‘real life’ setting
  • Applying research knowledge into an actual project
  • Enhancing your employability outcomes
  • Developing links with industry
  • Professional development opportunities
  • Helping to narrow down your choice career path

Am I eligible to complete a ҹɫè HDR Internship?

  • Are you a current enrolled HDR student?
  • Are your milestones and progress up to date?
  • Does your Primary Supervisor approve you to complete an internship?
  • Has your internship been agreed to in written form within the first 18 months (full time student) or 36 months (part time student) of commencement of your studies?
  • Is your internship related to your field of research?
  • You acknowledge that students undertaking an Industry Internship must enrol in or for the duration of an internship. Enrolment is managed by the GRS

ҹɫè HDR Internship Scholarship

ҹɫè will support students undertaking an eligible industry internship with a ҹɫè HDR Internship Scholarship valued at a maximum of $8,750*. 
*Indicative rates effective from 2024.

Interested, what are the next steps?

  1. Read all of the information on this website so you have an understanding of what a HDR internship entails.
  2. Speak to your supervisory team to gauge their support in you undertaking an internship.
  3. Contact the Industry Internship Coordinator to book a time to discuss your interest in undertaking a HDR internship.
  4. Following the discussion with the industry Internship Coordinator, an industry partner for your internship will need to be identified.
  5. The Industry Internship Coordinator will guide you through the process from this point.

Other internship opportunities:

is Australia’s only all sector/all discipline PhD internship program.  

The APR Intern program is an industry funded internship program, aiming to support industry-based training of PhD research students in all Australian universities, to increase employability and broaden business and university collaborations.  

Internship placements are between three to five months in duration. They are open to women and men with an emphasis on gender equity and placing domestic, regional, Indigenous, and disadvantaged PhD students into STEM internships. International students and students from all discipline areas are eligible to apply for this program.  

Further information on the APR Intern program for , , and is available on their website or contact the Industry Internship Coordinator.


An internship must be a minimum of three calendar months in duration, and at least 60 full-time equivalent (FTE) days. Days in addition to this may be considered on a case-by-case situation in accordance with the requirements of the project. An internship must not exceed 90 days.
HDR students can undertake an internship at any point of their program if they have indicated their intent within the required timeframes.
Internships can be flexible and are negotiated on a case-by-case situation. An internship can take place on site, remotely, or a combination of both modes. They can be undertaken on a full time, part time, day a week, or block placement. Internships must be completed within a twelve-month period.

 If students are in receipt of a ҹɫè or industry funded stipend scholarship this will be paused while receiving a ҹɫè HDR Internship Scholarship. The stipend scholarship will be reinstated at the completion of their internship. There is no need to apply for a scholarship extension, this process will be managed by the GRS.

No, you cannot be on a Leave of Absence while undertaking an internship. You must be an active student enrolled in or .
An HDR students usual place of employment may be eligible as an industry internship, providing all criteria are met. However, they would not be eligible for a ҹɫè HDR Internship Scholarship when receiving payment from their employer.
If you have completed an eligible HDR internship, the GRS can approve an extension to your thesis submission date for a duration of sixty days. Please view the following link to view the Extension HDR Request process.

Internships can be sourced from a variety of methods. We would recommend you speak with your supervisory team to identify prospective internship hosts within their networks. Most HDR internships are self-sourced by the student, but it is important that you speak to the Industry Internship Coordinator prior to speaking with a prospective industry partner. 

On occasions the GRS will advertise internship opportunities via the . Internships can also be incorporated as a requirement of a scholarship.

The Industry Internship Coordinator may be able to provide guidance on potential internship host organisations.


An internship industry host partner must meet the government requirement of being a research end-user: “an individual, community or organisation external to academia that will directly use or directly benefit from the output, outcome or results of the research.”

Examples of research end-users include businesses, government, non-governmental organisations, communities, and community organisations. Specific exclusions of research end-users are:

  • Other higher education providers
  • Organisations that are affiliates, controlled entities, or subsidiaries (such as medical research institutes) of a higher education provider
  • Equivalents (international or domestic) of the above exclusions.

Dr Ekta Sharma

"My internship experience during my last year of PhD was a highly favourable experience. I had the privilege of collaborating with the esteemed Defence Science and Technology group (DSTG), where not just my DSTG supervisor but my ҹɫè supervisor provided invaluable guidance and support. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID pandemic, our enthusiasm remained unwavering, culminating in regular and purposeful meetings. The task at hand was executed with a great level of professionalism and this experience served as a solid foundation for my ongoing work.

"I strongly recommend embracing such an internship opportunity if it aligns with your capabilities and interests."