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Nursing and Midwifery Education and Workforce Development


How we educate nurses of the future needs to be responsive to changes in the ever evolving landscape of health care. This includes changes in professional practice, in the way services are delivered, in the health policies that govern the decisions, in the plans and actions to achieve health care goals, and in changes needed to ensure a sustainable workforce.

Our aim

Our Nursing and Midwifery Education research aims to address the clinical education experiences of nursing and midwifery students, and the implementation and evaluation of supports, to enhance clinical education including evidence-based learning and teaching approaches.

Our Nursing and Midwifery Workforce Development research is aimed at partnering with professional nursing bodies, other universities, industry, student nurses, recent graduates and experienced nurses, to determine contemporary nursing workforce needs and identify sustainable solutions for supporting the nursing workforce into the future.

To achieve our aims, we will:

  • engage with industry partners to enhance the clinical experiences and range of opportunities for students and support industry in the supervision and preparedness of students
  • work with industry and key peak bodies to ensure that students' knowledge, skills and experiences meet expectations of beginning health care professionals within a contemporary health care system
  • engage in educational research that focuses on approaches to learning and teaching that best enhance students learning
  • support the nursing workforce to be able to deliver safe, quality quality care
  • support the nursing workforce to develop knowledge and skills that support their ongoing personal and professional development.

Our researchers

  •  (Theme lead, Education)
  •  (Theme lead, Workforce)
  • Professor Victoria Terry (Theme co-lead
  •  (DPhD candidate)

Areas of inquiry

Work-integrated learning and clinical placements, online teaching and simulation, preparedness for practice, interprofessional education, psychosocial factors influencing student learning (mood, expectations, motivations), gender in nursing, graduate nurse experiences, workforce retention policies, workforce career planning, workforce support programs, and Graduate Registered Nurse Transition programs. 

Core research programs

  • Building a sustainable rural health workforce